When it comes to conversations I think this is one
question we have asked both others and ourselves many, many times.
Often in our
heads, when already in a conversation, with an awkward silence looming and
while trying to scramble for something to say.
That’s not an
entirely bad place to be though. Pauses in conversations are natural and it’s
good to get used to the social pressure of a conversation gone quiet.
However, if you
too often run into silences, if they have a tendency to go on for a little bit
too long then it’s always good to have few pointers stored at the back of your
mind. Here are 5 great things to talk about. And a little bit further down, 5
things you should probably try to avoid talking about.
1. The person you are talking to
For many the favourite subject to talk about is themselves. Be curious
about people and who they are. As Dale Carnegie said:
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming really
interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other
people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to
make a friend is to be one.”
Figure out what the other person does besides
work. What s/he really likes, passions and things that brings out the
enthusiasm. Ask and use open-ended questions so s/he can’t just answer with a
one-word answer. If you just get hmms and vague answers out of open-ended
questions try leading questions. And try to actually listen instead of just
waiting for you turn to talk. Focus outward instead of inward to improve a
Talk about what the other person really likes. It
generally makes for more fun and compelling conversations to hear and see the
enthusiastic and passionate part of a person than if you both stick to talking about
the weather and work. And don’t worry about getting stuck in listening-mode.
Most people will be glad to reciprocate and be interested in you if you are
interested in them.
2. Your surroundings
It’s easy to become too focused on just one thing in a conversation.
Widen your focus a bit, look around. There is always interesting stuff in your
surroundings to start a conversation about. For example, at a party or a dinner
in someone’s house it might be the fishes in the aquarium, the record
collection, books and movies on the shelves, some cool piece of clothing
someone is wearing and so on.
3. The news and water cooler topics
Keep an eye on the papers, there is almost always something interesting
there to bring up in a conversation. Fascinating or funny topics are always
good. Bringing up death, misery and controversial topics might not always be a
great idea.
Besides the news there are always water
cooler-topics to discuss. These often make for fun discussion. Such topics
might be the latest episode of Lost or Prison Break, something big and brand
new (in Sweden a big water cooler topic a while back was our first astronaut in
space; Christer Fuglesang), which of the summer blockbusters that are actually
good or some new, spectacular band.
It might be useful to quickly browse social
bookmarking-sites like Digg andReddit to
find some of the things everyone seems to be talking about right now. And to
discover a few fascinating new stories or trends.
A classic. People always like to discuss their likes and dislikes. Some
§ Favourite
§ Favourite
§ The nastiest
tasting piece of candy/food you have eaten.
§ Best/worst GTD
§ The best vacation
ever vs. the worst one.
§ The best or worst
job/boss/co-worker you’ve ever had.
5. Relatable emotions and experiences
This topic might seem a little fuzzy. In a way, it’s another way to look
at some of the above topics. I think it’s a useful perspective to keep in mind
What I mean by this is what you share in the
conversation is not the facts. What you share are experiences and emotions. The underlying excitement and the emotions that
we all share regardless what we do.
One example might be how you discover that the
other person loves travelling. So you ask: what is it about travelling that you
like so much? S/he might say the excitement of discovering something new,
something s/he’s never seen before. And maybe you have similar feelings about
travelling too. So you might say something like: Yeah, I know, it´s great when
you have that fresh, totally new experience.
But you don´t have to be a enthusiastic traveller
to relate. Perhaps you love books or movies. And then you can relate to how
each time you discover and new author or great movie it´s like travelling into
a totally new and exciting world where you never know what you will find.
So you can share similar feelings and experiences
even though you might not seem similar as people. You may seem very different
to one another, live different lives, but there are often connections to be
made between you.
There are several powerful motivators and needs
behind and in conversations and communication. One is to boost one’s ego.
Something that can be done, for example, by using topic #1. Another is the
feeling of connecting and sharing. Something you can do by using topic.
Five Things About Which You Should NOT Talk About
So, what topics
should you avoid? None, really. But some topics are perhaps are only suited for
some conversations. Maybe with close friends or family.
topics can get out of hand. You might need to limit the amount of time you talk
about them. When people’s eyes are starting to glaze over, when people are starting to look around in the room and stop listening
it’s time to change the subject.
Don’t suck the fun and
positive energy of conversations. Think before you talk when the subjects below
are on your mind.
Illness. No-one wants to hear too much about illness and bad
health. It’s a downer. And people in general don’t want to reflect too much on
things like: “Hmm, I wonder when I’ll get sick and how that will be”. It can
put anyone in a sad and negative emotional state.
Hard to relate to hobbies and similar subjects. Well, actually getting technical and talking too much
about the content of the hobby rather than what excites you about it. Try to
avoid technical jargon, acronyms and details that only you and other
enthusiasts understand. Try to keep it simple and understandable instead. Try
topic #6 above: Relatable
emotions and experiences.
Try to relate what excites you about your bicycling or recycling instead of
getting lost in facts and details.
Serial killers and other creepy subjects. An obvious one. Just like talking about illness
talking about Jeffrey Dahmer, stalkers and similar subjects can make people
really uncomfortable.
Your boring job. If it’s a fascinating job then it might be interesting
to talk about. If you’re enthusiastic about your job and really love then it
can be fascinating to talk about it. If it’s just a job you’re not too fond of
or a boring one try to limit the time you talk about it. If you like it but
people don’t seem to be interested either drop it or find a way to improve how you talk about your job. No one wants to listen for
too long to a topic they have no interest in.
Your crappy boss, job etc. It’s no fun hearing someone harp on and on about how
unfair theirboss is or how much their job suck. Complaining becomes draining to
listen to rather quickly. Try to keep your complaining down or if you can just
stop it all together.
And as always, Thanks for visiting the page
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